Should I make a DIY video just for Marin?

It costs around $1,400.00 to produce an OK professionally edited video with about an hour of material. I'm wanting to know what would be most helpful for you to have in video format. So if you would like to have a DIY video please tell me:

Send me an e-mail with your requests. Also, if you find any Youtube videos you think would be helpful to others on the site, send me the link.

Happy Gardening Marin!

Dane Rose

What kind of socks does a gardener wear?
Garden hose.
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Four Deer Resistant Plants Below...
Blue Fescue
Sedum Cautacolum
Polystichum Poly Fern
Rhododendron PJM
We are counting on your ideas and contributions to improve this page. Please e-mail Dane here.
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